How green is my Bible?
The ecological damage being done to God’s good creation is an urgent issue facing all of humanity.
Our call to care for creation
Am I a tree-hugging greenie? A caring grandmother? A steward of God’s creation? Or all of the above?
Dwelling in God’s word: A study on being stewards of creation
In the beginning God created the cosmos and all that’s in it. With his word he ordered the chaos and he blessed it and called it ‘good’. Made in his image, He declared humankind ‘very good’.
Salisbury congregation makes energy efficiency improvements
In 2015, Synod resolved to reduce LCA’s impact on the environment including minimising greenhouse gas emissions across all of its areas. The Ark at Salisbury has focused on energy efficiency since early in 2013, initially to try to reduce costs which averaged around $8,500 per year.